My name is Kate.
I volunteer at a local charity – young people who have run away from home call me
and I pass on messages to their loved ones, no questions asked.
I don’t get many phone calls, and those I do are usually short and vague, or pranks.
But this morning a girl named Sophie called.
I’m supposed to contact her parents to let them know their child is safe.
The problem is, Sophie isn’t safe.
And Sophie is my daughter
My Review: So this little book managed to jump to the top of my toppling TBR pile because I had heard such great things about it and it was highly recommended by a friend. (Thanks Jo!)
Personally I thought this was a fantastic debut and has all the ingredients of a truly gripping psychological thriller. The characters were all well developed and believable, the story was full of twists, turns and several red herrings and kept me entertained from start to finish.
Where the Missing Go is about Kate, a mother whose only daughter “ran away” 2 years ago but Kate can’t let go, she doesn’t believe her Sophie would leave and when she gets a call one night at the Missing Persons Helpline she volunteers at Kate recognises Sophie’s voice and so begins her investigation to find her missing daughter.
If you like your books full of twists and turns with a fast paced plot line then you will thoroughly love this book.
The only reason this is a 4.5 star review and not 5 stars is because there were several similarities to other books I’ve read but won’t mention as they would spoil this book for you.
About the Author: Emma Rowley is a writer, ghostwriter and editor with a background in newspaper journalism. A graduate in Classics and English at Oxford University, she trained as a journalist at City University. Emma has spent considerable time in the courts and covering major crime stories. She lives in London.