The Good Neighbour – Beth Miller

Everyone has secrets. How far will you go to protect yours?

After living next to the neighbours from hell, Minette is overjoyed when Cath and her two children move in next door. Cath soon becomes her confidante, a kindred spirit, even her daughter’s babysitter.

But Cath keeps herself unusually guarded and is reluctant to speak of her past. And when Minette witnesses something unspeakable, she begins to question whether she really knows her new friend at all…

My Review: This dark, psychological thriller tells the story of Minette, a new mother who has lived next to nightmare neighbours until Cath and her family move in.

Told from Minette, Cath and Davey (Cath’s 8 year old disabled son) point of view this is an uncomfortable read.

Do you ever really know what goes on behind closed doors?

Not an easy read due to the subject matter but definitely gripping and tense.

About the Author: I have been told that I write like a tall blonde, so that’s how I’d like you to picture me.

I’ve published four books: two novels, and two non-fiction books, about The Archers and Shakespeare (that’s two separate books, not one weird mash-up).

Before writing books, I did a lot of different jobs. I worked in schools, shops, offices, hospitals, students’ unions, basements, from home, in my car, and up a tree. OK, not up a tree. I’ve been a sexual health trainer, a journalist, a psychology lecturer, a PhD student, a lousy alcohol counsellor, and an inept audio-typist. I sold pens, bread, and condoms. Not in the same shop. I taught parents how to tell if their teenagers are taking drugs (clue: they act like teenagers), and taught teenagers how to put on condoms (clue: there won’t really be a cucumber). I taught rabbis how to tell if their teenagers are druggedly putting condoms on cucumbers.

Throughout this, I always wrote, and always drank a lot of tea. I’m now pretty much unbeatable at drinking tea.

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