Nina is Not OK – Shappi Khorsandi – Genre – Young Adult / Contemporary Fiction
Blurb: Nina does not have a drinking problem. She likes a drink, sure. But what 17-year-old doesn’t?
Nina’s mum isn’t so sure. But she’s busy with her new husband and five year old Katie. And Nina’s almost an adult after all.
And if Nina sometimes wakes up with little memory of what happened the night before, then her friends are all too happy to fill in the blanks. Nina’s drunken exploits are the stuff of college legend.
But then one dark Sunday morning, even her friends can’t help piece together Saturday night. All Nina feels is a deep sense of shame, that something very bad has happened to her…
My Review: This incredibly brilliant debut novel by Shappi Khorsandi has left me slightly breathless. A disturbing and brutally frank account of a young 17 year old girl battling alcoholism, A levels, boyfriends and growing up at the same time. Told with frank and graphic honestly and with the authors wonderful self-deprecating humour, this story deals with living with an addict, the fall out and the shame. Totally gripping and heartbreaking and also thought provoking. 5 stars.